
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Buying a New Phone


After my daydream session about a perfect phone, let's get back to the depressing reality: my dream phone doesn't exist.

Lessons learned from previous phones:
  1. Really good handsets are so rare, you get one every 4-5 years.
  2. Android gets terribly slow with updates, be it my SE XPERIA Pro or Samsung Galaxy SIII as experienced by all my friends who own it.
  3. Blackberry is still pointless.
  4. HTC's warranty service here is crap.
Current Circumstances:
  1. Since I'm back to Cairo, almost all gadgets are more expensive than DXB/ KSA. A flagship phone is going to be about EGP 400-800more expensive ( about $50-$100).
  2. HOWEVER, if you have Banque Misr credit card, you can pay in installments, over 9 months, with no interest from Mobile Shop. I think I'm going to make use of that.
Positive Experiences (a phone that works in a satisfying way for 2-3 years):
  1. Nokia N900; definitely the best handset I ever had. RIP
  2. Samsung/ Sony without updates
  3. iPhone
  1. LG Optimus Vu: great value for money; good spec; untried build quality.Review to be searched for; but mainly the battery life is a concern.
  2. Nokia Lumia 920: take a ride on the Windows train. Benefit from Nokia being desperate to recapture audience. suspicious dual core processor and non-removable battery.
  3. Sony XPERIA Z: I just cannot ignore that this is also another desperate attempt to get a piece of the pie. Price is a pain the butt tho.

Updates will come later, your comments and feedback are welcome.

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